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Not sure where to start, or need more context? These seven case studies from landscapes throughout the West lay the groundwork for engaging communities in prescribed fire and smoke.
Visit These Sites For Even More Resources:
Not sure where to start, or need more context? These seven case studies from landscapes throughout the West lay the groundwork for engaging communities in prescribed fire and smoke.
The Pilot specifically tasks three regional forest collaboratives and a statewide prescribed fire group with executing and monitoring Pilot activities:
Tapash Sustainable Forest Collaborative
North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative
Northeast Washington Forestry Coalition
Washington Prescribed Fire Council
Additionally, the US Forest Service Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory will coordinate and implement air quality monitoring and fuels and forest stand inventories and assessments.
Thanks to their ongoing engagement with issues related to forest health, land management and prescribed burning, the Pilot Partners (each of whom works with and has representative members from a variety of local organizations within their boundaries) are poised to implement and monitor controlled burns at a total of 15 sites across Washington this fall.
ABOUT The Tapash Sustainable Forest Collaborative is a coalition of agency, nonprofit, and tribal land managers working together across boundaries and checkerboard ownership patterns to address forest health and create fire-adapted ecosystems in South Central Washington. Learn more at
PILOT ROLE Tapash has worked to identify burn projects on Forest Service and Department of Fish and Wildlife lands in South Central Washington, and is working with Washington Resource Conservation & Development on Pilot outreach and communication.
PRESCRIBED BURN SITES Learn more about the Fall 2016 burns at Angel, Canteen, Liberty Fuels, Oak Creek and Orion.
The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest
Naches Ranger District
Cle Elum Ranger District
The Nature Conservancy
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Washington Department of Natural Resources
Yakama Nation
Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council
ABOUT The North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative works with conservation groups, timber industries, local, state, federal and tribal governments and land management agencies to accelerate restoration of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Learn more at
PILOT ROLE NCWFHC has worked to identify burn projects on Forest Service lands in North Central Washington, and key partners within NCWFHC have taken on lead outreach and communication roles.
PRESCRIBED BURN SITES Learn more about the Fall 2016 burns at Chumstick, Eight Mile Bottom, Goat, Natapoc, Twenty Five Mile and Upper Rendezvous.
The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest
Wenatchee River Ranger District
Chelan Ranger District
Methow Valley Ranger District
Chumstick Wildfire Stewardship Coalition
Cascadia Conservation District
Okanogan Conservation District
Washington Department of Natural Resources
Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board - NCWFHC Facilitator
ABOUT United by forest health, land management, public safety and economic vitality on the Colville National Forest, the Northeast Washington Forestry Coalition brings together diverse interests from the timber industry, conservation organizations, tribal governments, utilities and land management groups. Learn more at
PILOT ROLE NEWFC has worked to identify burn projects on Forest Service and Department of Fish and Wildlife lands in Northeast Washington. Members of NEWFC and key community fire experts are conducting local outreach and communication.
PRESCRIBED BURN SITES Learn more about the Fall 2016 burns at Little Vulcan, Hanlon, Sherman Creek and Paradise 90.
The Colville National Forest
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
ABOUT The Washington Prescribed Fire Council is a coalition of prescribed fire practitioners, agencies, non-profits, tribes, and others from across the state working to advance the safe and effective use of prescribed fire in Washington. Learn more at
PILOT ROLE WPFC is providing statewide coordination, facilitation, and management of the Pilot. They will coordinate and track cross-Collaborative outreach and communication strategies, and will also help develop and facilitate group recommendations for further Pilot activities and updates to the DNR Smoke Management Plan.
Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council (WRC&D)
The Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council (WRC&D) provides facilitation and management of collaborative conservation projects that support sustainable natural resources, economies, and communities. The WRC&D provides fiscal sponsorship for several organizations involved in the Pilot, and is also managing a variety of contracts and subawards for the Pilot. Learn more at
Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
The Washington Department of Natural Resources is the primary state land management agency in Washington state, managing 5.8 million acres of forest and state trust lands. DNR is committed to ensuring Washington’s forests are healthy and productive. Prescribed burning is one of the tools the agency employs to achieve this goal. As part of ESHB 2928, DNR is required to conduct a Forest Resiliency Burning Pilot project, establish the process and procedures necessary to administer the project, and work with Forest Collaboratives and WPFC to coordinate and support burning. The agency is also working with the Environmental Protection Agency and WA Department of Ecology to ensure these burns conform to air quality standards mandated by the federal and state Clean Air Acts. Learn more at