Visit These Sites For Even More Resources:
Not sure where to start, or need more context? These seven case studies from landscapes throughout the West lay the groundwork for engaging communities in prescribed fire and smoke.
Visit These Sites For Even More Resources:
Not sure where to start, or need more context? These seven case studies from landscapes throughout the West lay the groundwork for engaging communities in prescribed fire and smoke.
Fire is a tool for all of us. Keep up to date on the latest news on where and when you can burn. Remember, even if you can't burn, fire professionals with the right resources, right people, and right expertise may still be able to burn. Always check before lighting the match.
The Okanogan-Wenatchee Forest is your home, your playground, your vacation, your solitude, your challenge, your job, and your family reunion. See where the Forest Service is working to protect our communities and forests through planned, prescribed fires.
Fire is a natural part of our forests, and that means smoke too. Monitor smoke and air quality near you and learn how to protect yourself from smoke.