The Era of Megafires is a 60-minute, multi-media, traveling presentation hosted by Dr. Paul Hessburg. Recently, North Central Washington has suffered massive damage and heartache caused by wildfires. We have been indelibly influenced. As a result, our nearby communities are working hard to make substantive changes in how we live with wildfires. Our Wildfire Project combines Paul’s 27+ years of research, along with that of other research colleagues, and personal stories about the devastating effects of two megafires during the summers of 2014 and 2015. Our Project focuses on how we as a society can shift our cultural views of fire, learn to embrace it as inevitable and crucial to our landscapes, and finally, learn to co-exist with it more peacefully through learning, adaptation, and proaction. A benefit for The Wildfire Project.
With a performance by Brittany Jean, Post Film Panel Discussion, and Preshow Firewise Tour
6:15-6:45 Firewise Tour of Icicle Creek
With Heather Murphy (retired U.S. Forest Service Wildlife Biologist, Icicle Fund board member, and community involved person) , Pat Murphy (retired U.S. Forest Service GIS Analyst and forester and Icicle Creek Center for the Arts board member), Christine Morgan (Executive Director for landowner, Icicle Fund), Patrick Haggerty (Project Coordinator with Cascadia Conservation District) and Bill Horner (Deputy Chief and Fire Marshal, Chelan County Fire District 3).
Our aim with the tour is to share a specific example of land stewardship carried out by a non-profit organization operating a public site. Our project objective is to enhance the health of our campus ecosystem with fire safety and a particular aesthetics in mind. The project is currently being implemented on the ground and it participants will see areas that have undergone treatment and areas that have not.